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A group of children and adults sitting on the ground beneath a wooden structure as they listen attentively to the educator.

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March 2022 –  The following is an excerpt from a March 18 Khon2 news on how the center has bounced back since the pandemic. Mahalo to Reporter Chelsee Yee for sharing the good news of the return of school programs. Click here to read the full article.

It’s been two years since the COVID-19 global pandemic shut down most areas, but life is now rebounding at the Hawai`i Nature Center.

More than 60 children from Waimanalo Elementary School recently visited the center in Makiki Valley to learn about environment stewardship. It was the first class of this size to return since the start of the pandemic.

“The centers have remained open through the pandemic, but schools have been slow to return,” said Jacque Vaughn, a spokesperson for Hawaii Nature Center. “Due to congregations issues and limits on gatherings, school programs have been the slowest to return to the center.”

Hawaii Nature Center is anticipating even more interest from schools in the coming months and is hiring educators to teach students about nature and environmental science. Students will experience hands-on activities, forest explorations and even games crafted from nature.

In early April, enrollment will open to the nonprofit’s week-long summer Nature Adventure Camps, and its weekday homeschool program will also continue.

For more information, email hncinfo@HawaiiNatureCenter.org. Follow their social media IG: @hawaiinaturecenter | Facebook: HINatureCenter


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