AED Unit
AED Wall Cabinet
Bean Bags (2 black)
Collapsible Wagon (1)
Cold Packs for First Aid (3)
Dish Towels (2 packs not white)
Ergonomic Desk Chairs (2)
Forever Postage Stamps
Hawaiian Airlines Miles
Insect Repellent (6)
Jig Saw
Office Desks/Work Stations (3)
Wheelbarrow (1)
Send or drop off items to:
2131 Makiki Heights Drive
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822
(docents to work with elementary keiki on outdoor field trips)
Binoculars (10-20)
Handheld Magnifying Glasses (20-30)
Hawaiian Airlines Miles
First Aid Kit (3)
Reef-Safe Sunscreen (3)
Insect Repellent (3)
Waikie Talkies (4)
Water Jugs (5 to 7 gallons)
Forever Postage Stamps
Printing Services
15-Passenger Van Secured Parking
(Haiku, Upcountry, or Central Maui)
Folding Tables (2)
Shade Tent
(1 ideally with stakes and guide lines)
Drop off items:
(808) 446-4672
Help us educate, celebrate and advocate for a stronger bond between people and nature.