O‘ahu Environmental Science Series

O‘ahu Homeschool Science Series

2131 Makiki Heights Drive, HNL |  808.955.0100 x126Homeschool@HawaiiNatureCenter.og

Hawai‘i Nature Center offers an on-campus science series in which every class builds upon each experiential lesson. Created to bring together homeschool students, ages 6 to 11, the weekly 6-hour sessions on Wednesdays are live, in-person and teacher-led. It includes learning in the Makiki rainforest as well as field trips. Topics include: animal lifecycles, freshwater ecosystems, food webs, sound, electricity, colors in nature, invasive species, volcanism and more.

Download the Spring 2025 Course Outline

  • A young girl solving a crossword puzzle
  • A young girl and boy working on their watercolor painting outdoors

Spring 2025 O‘ahu Homeschool Science Series | For Ages 6 to 11

Registration is closed.
January 15 – May 14, 2025 | Weekly on Wednesdays from 8:30 am (drop-off as early as 8:15 am) to 2:30 pm
Full Semester: $1,375 (all 16 weekly classes) | Individual weekly classes are not available for purchase
No classes will be held on March 19 or March 26 due to Spring Nature Adventure Camp.

A Journey through Hawaiʻi’s Wild Wonders

In our Homeschool Science Series this Spring 2025, we will be investigating many of the amazing plants and animals of Hawaiʻi’s ecosystems and diving deeper into the science topics that make these species unique. In every session learning unfolds through hands-on outdoor exploration, teamwork activities, and opportunities to get creative!

Registration is closed.

If sold out, please contact Homeschool@HawaiiNatureCenter.org to be wait-listed for the series. Include the number of children you wish to enroll, their ages, and your best contact phone number.

Spring 2025 Lessons Overview

January 15 – May 14, 2025. No classes will be held on March 19 or 26 due to Nature Adventure Camp.

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January 15: ‘Ōhiʻa Lehua and the Study of New Beginnings
In our semester exploring Makiki Valley, we’ll learn how plants like ʻŌhiʻa Lehua help form new forests after lava flows and what they need to thrive in these unique conditions.
January 22: ʻOʻopu and the Study of Animal and Fish Life Cycles
We’ll explore animal lifecycles and their main stages, comparing the unique lifecycle of a native fish to those that live outside Hawaiʻi. Additionally, we’ll start our semester-long project on data collection and studying Makiki Valley.
January 29: The Hibiscus and the Study of Plant Life Cycles
Having explored animal life cycles, we’ll now examine plant life cycles, focusing on our native hibiscus plants. We’ll study their survival needs, uniqueness, and their insect pollinators.
February 5: Niu and the Study of Seed Dispersal
Building on our plant life cycle studies, we’ll examine how seeds, such as niu (coconuts), travel short and long distances. We’ll explore why seed dispersal is important and what clues indicate how seeds move.
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February 12: Aeʻo and the Study of Adaptations
What makes the Aeʻo (Hawaiian stilt bird) a unique animal? We’ll take a deeper dive into adaptations and how different adaptations help animals survive in different habitats. How are physical and behavioral adaptations different?
February 19: Pepeiao Mushrooms and the Study of Fungi
Fungi are important in any ecosystem, and fun to learn about. We’ll investigate the role of decomposers and why they’re so necessary. There are many unique types of fungi, so we’ll be heading out on the trail to see what fungi we can find in Makiki valley.
February 26: Naupaka and the Study of Plant Adaptations and Survival
The two main species of Naupaka—Naupaka Kahakai (coastal naupaka) and Naupaka Kuahiwi (mountain naupaka)—help us understand plant adaptations to different habitats. They also provide an opportunity to explore moʻolelo (stories) and the knowledge they convey.
March 5: Limu and the Study of Algae
Limu (algae) is common on our rocky beaches, but what is its role? We’ll explore why native limu is essential for healthy shorelines, the impact of excess limu, and how to address invasive species. We’ll also discover its importance to both marine life and people.
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March 12: ʻUlu and the Study of Canoe Plants
When Polynesians arrived to the Hawaiian Islands, they brought many plants, including ʻulu (breadfruit), which was vital for their survival. We’ll explore why ʻulu was chosen, its uses, and its significance in local food cultivation today.
April 2: ‘Ōpeʻapeʻa (Hawaiian Horay Bat) and the Study of Echolocation
We’ll be diving into how animals use echolocation to navigate, hunt, and find each other. What specially adapted body parts do these animals use? And why do these animals use this unique process?
April 9: Coqui Frogs and the Study of Invasive Species
Hawaiʻi is home to many plants and animals from around the world, some helpful like canoe plants, and others invasive. We’ll explore what invasive means, how to identify invasive species, and ways to prevent their arrival and spread.
April 16: Mōlī and the Study of Wings and Flight
The Laysan Albatross are not only amazing seabirds that nest here on our island, but also have impressive wings. We’ll take a closer look at how birds fly and compare the wings and flight of birds we see in the skies.
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April 23: Awa (Milkfish) and the Study of Fishponds
We’ll be exploring how fishponds sustainably raise fish for local communities and their historical use by Native Hawaiians. We’ll also connect our limu studies to understand how these ponds promote limu growth and support fish like awa.
April 30: Manu-o-Kū (White Fairy Tern) and the Study of Nests
We’ll be focusing on Honolulu’s official bird, the Manu-o-Kū. These small birds build unique nests, prompting us to explore other unusual nesting habits. We’ll answer questions about why birds nest, how they choose locations, and what we can learn by building our own nests.
May 7: Hinalea (Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse) and the Study of Symbiotic Relationships
Just like people, animals and even plants work together in many ways. What does symbiotic mean? Why do animals do this and what can we learn about working together?
May 14: The Hawaiian Monk Seal and the Study of Conservation
We’ll finish out our semester together by learning more about what conservation is and how we can make a difference and help protect all the life we’ve learned about this semester.

Fall 2024 O‘ahu Homeschool Science Series | For Ages 6 to 11

This semester is sold out.
September 4 – December 11, 2024 | Weekly on Wednesdays from 8:30 am (drop-off as early as 8:15 am) to 2:30 pm
Full Semester: $1,200 (all 14 weekly classes) | Individual weekly classes are not available for purchase
No class will be held on October 9 due to Fall Nature Adventure Camp.

If sold out, please contact Homeschool@HawaiiNatureCenter.org to be wait-listed for the series. Include the number of children you wish to enroll, their ages, and your best contact phone number.

This semester is sold out.

Fall 2024 Lessons Overview

September 4 – December 11, 2024. No classes will be held on October 9 due to Nature Adventure Camp.

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September 4: Practice devotion
Devotion to gratitude, mindfulness, and deepening connection with nature as students get to know each other and Makiki Valley.
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September 11: Lichens & Island Formation
How are volcanoes formed? Are there different types of lava? What can live in volcanic environments? How are volcanic environments around the world alike and different?
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September 18: Hawaiian Top Snails: Fossils in Hawai‘i
What is a fossil? How are they formed? Why are they important? Why doesn’t Hawai‘i have many fossils compared to the mainland? We’ll answer these questions and more in our adventures.
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September 25: Yellow-Faced Bee: Hawai‘i’s Special Insects
What are native and endemic species? What is island biogeography? What do scientists do that specialize in this fascinating topic? Why are these little bees important, and what adaptations help them survive in an island ecosystem?
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October 2: Sweet Potato: Polynesian Arrival to the Islands
What are canoe plants? How did they get to Hawai‘i? As we learn more about canoe plants, students gain knowledge about their significance to Hawaiian life and culture.
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October 16: Wiliwili Tree: The State of our Watersheds
Where are our watersheds on this island? What exactly do they do? Why does it matter that we keep them healthy? What is the traditional land division of an ahupua‘a?
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October 23: Importance of the ocean to Polynesians
Listen to Hawaiian legends about ocean species like the Humuhumunukunukuāpua‘a and marine ecosystems. What lessons and wisdom are being passed on through these stories?
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October 30: Common Mynah: Urban Birds
How is urbanization affects wildlife? Where birds such as mynahs, pigeons, and zebra doves introduced from? Do creatures like these do well in the cities we build? What are some of the pros and cons of cities?
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November 6: Banana: A Bunch of Travelers
How have bananas made their way to Hawai‘i and other parts of the globe? In what ways do people use this one special plant? We’ll explore this and more – and maybe even sample them.
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November 13: ‘Auku‘u: Shrinking Wetlands
Today we study the plight of wetland birds. Why are wetlands such special habitats? Why should we protect them?
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November 20: Humpback Whales and Migration
In what ways can we learn and be inspired by whales? What can they teach us from their migration patterns? What other creatures do we know that migrate? Why do they behave in this way?
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November 27: Māmaki: Medicines from Nature
Where do the medicines we use come from? Why is Māmaki so important throughout Polynesia? What conservation efforts are happening to protect these medicinal sources?
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December 4: Black-tipped Reef Shark: A Study of Microplastics
We’ll examine the life of plastics and what effects they have on the state of oceans worldwide, as well as how we can be better ocean stewards.
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December 11: Hawaiian Island Ecosystems: Bringing it All Together
Celebrate the last day of the semester with island ecosystems that work relentlessly to support us. Using all we’ve learned, identify ways to move forward in the best way for our precious environment.

Gear Up & Get Ready

  • Eat a hearty breakfast.
  • Wear clothes and closed-toe (hiking or athletic) shoes that can get wet and dirty.
  • Put on mosquito repellent and sunscreen at home.
  • Leave anything expensive, valuable, or fragile at home.

What to Pack Daily

  • Small backpack
  • Water bottle
  • Morning snacks and a big lunch (no refrigeration)
  • Extra change of clothes, raincoat/poncho and water shoes
  • Sunscreen, hat, and sunglasses
  • Swimsuit and towel
  • COVID facemasks (optional)

REFUND & CANCELLATION POLICY – SEMESTER  If enrollment is canceled 7 days or more prior to the program’s start, you will receive a refund less a $100 cancellation fee per child and associated administrative-processing fees. If enrollment is canceled within 7 days of the program’s start or up to 6 weeks after the program has begun, Hawai`i Nature Center will refund 50% of the program fee per child. HNC memberships purchased during enrollment will not be refunded. There are no refunds after the end of the sixth week of the program. No refunds or makeups for individual classes missed.

THIRD-PARTY REGISTRATION POLICY  Hawai`i Nature Center does not accept third-party registration or registration on behalf of other friends or family. The registering child’s parent or guardian must be the individual to complete and submit all registration information. If we determine that a third party has completed your child’s registration, registration will be cancelled and we will refund your tuition. A $50 cancellation fee per child per week and administrative-processing fees will be charged.

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You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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