Melany Minera

Headshot of Melany Minera

Project Info

Project Description

Aloha! My name is Melany Minera, and I am from Los Angeles, California. I am a senior at Hawaii Pacific University, pursuing an environmental studies degree with a minor in sustainability. I am extremely passionate about environmental conservation and am so excited to be part in educating the stewards of tomorrow! I think it’s important to educate the youth about nature in order for them to understand how critical it is to protect it for the future.

I previously interned at Malama Maunalua which allow me to expand myself on how to connect to individuals of all ages, especially students. The idea of bringing the community together to expand knowledge throughout hands on experiences led to the Hawaii Nature Center.

In my free time I love to go the beach and snorkel. I love exploring the ocean especially the reefs, and love to spot all the various marine friends. My dream is to one day go diving at the Great Barrier Reef!

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