Green Gala Fundraiser 2020

Green Gala Fundraiser

Friday, May 24, 2019

Hawai‘i Nature Center bursts into Spring 2020 with its annual Green Gala on Friday, May 22, 2020 at The Pacific Club. The event will include a silent and live auction, pau hana, live music, and more. 

Tickets are on sale for Hawai‘i Nature Center’s Green Gala event on May 22 at The Pacific Club. Get ready for a memorable evening featuring delectable bites, a silent and live auction, entertainment and more. Ticket prices start at $350 for individuals and $4,000 for table sponsors. 

Join us as we celebrate environmental education programs and stewardship of our islands.

For more information about our event, please see our introductory letter, here.
To purchase a table, seat, or make a direct donation to our event, download our fillable form here.
To make an item or experience donation to our live or silent auction, download our fillable form here.

Nature calls us to branch out

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