Maui is ready for keiki camp

A young girl wearing a bird mask crafted from fallen leaves, yarn, and a paper plate, showcasing her creativity.

Project Info

Project Description

June 2020 –  Summer Nature Adventure Camps are back on O‘ahu and Maui. Kids, ages 6 to 11, can enjoy nature up close and personal with hands-on adventures led by environmental educators. Click here to see what camps might still be available.

Maui camps begin June 22 and O‘ahu camps resumed in early June. The economic crisis has hit Maui families hard and this island holds one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation. We are pleased to announced that we are offering a limited number of partial scholarships thanks to a grant that supports getting Maui children back to nature.

Hawaii Nature Center has been eagerly awaiting direction from government officials and the CDC as to what will be safe and acceptable in the coming months. Modifications include groups created for social distancing that feature smaller numbers of children, seating arrangements, mask wearing, temperature checks, vigilant health monitoring, and more frequent and easier-to-monitor hand washing.

Read more about what’s in store this summer with us.

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